Saturday, June 1, 2013

First Official Fundraiser=Success!!

We are feeling so overwhelmingly blessed tonight! We had our first official fundraiser and it was such a success.  We held a massive yard sale today from 7am-3pm.  We had so many wonderful families donate a ton of amazing stuff.  We were up late last night getting ready and up at the crack of dawn this morning to pull it all out and set up.  I was so nervous NO ONE would show up.  We were surprised by the overwhelming turnout.  People came because they follow our blog, some came cause they follow us on Facebook, some came cause they saw our ad on craigslist, some came because they saw our signs on the road.  Everyone was so supportive and we had such a successful day.  I am hoping a few people decide to start following our journey :).  We want to thank everyone who donated items, donated time, donated help, and came to the sale.  Your generosity amounted in a LARGE appreciation from our family and we raised enough money to BUY ONE TICKET TO BULGARIA!!!!! So AMAZING!!! We are getting so close to meeting our sweet little Miles. We will be out next Saturday with more stuff and hopefully earn enough for one more ticket to Bulgaria!!! Hope to see you there!!

We would be lost with out them and want to give a shout out to my little sister and her boyfriend.  Emmy and Dustin arrived at our house around 6pm last night.  They cooked us dinner, helped us get ready, stayed the night, woke up at 5am to help set up, stayed for the entire yard sale, helped us clean up and didn't leave here til close to 4pm today.  You guys are amazing!! We love you so much and are so blessed to have an Aunt and Uncle that love our son as much as we love him. Thank you so much for your help, support, love and dedication to our family!! We are forever grateful for all you do for us!!

Remember to visit our online store for all your coffee needs.  50% of whatever you buy is sent directly to our Adoption Agency to cover adoption fees.  Thank you so much!!

1 comment:

  1. Heidi - I always have great intentions to get on here and read all that you are posting about your beautiful, blooming family but it always seems to slip between the cracks. Today I took that time to read it all and there are tears streaming down my face. I love you guys more than words can describe and to read and fully hear everything you are going through and everything you are doing to make your family complete warms my heart and soul to no end. I will be there with you every step of the way and we are always willing to help with whatever needs done. Can't wait to meet my newest nephew and get to show him just how amazing his family is. :) WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
