Since Kolby has been born we have discovered that we are not the best candidates for a natural pregnancy. Because of issues that occurred during and directly following my pregnancy we told that another pregnancy would be considered VERY high risk and could result in the death of the fetus (multiple times) and potentially end my life as well. We prayed, A LOT. The lord is so great. As we asked for guidance and answers he started to put things in motion.
Shortly after my son was born I was introduced to a direct sale business call Premier Design Jewelry. I was a brand new mom, owning/working/operating a coffee shop my husband and I purchase years earlier, and coaching a high school volleyball team. Needless to say, I didn’t need another thing on my plate. At a Premier Designs Jewelry party I met a woman named Jill Ross. Long story short, I joined Premier and began my journey as a Jewelry Lady.
To be quite frank, I was great at it. I did a lot of shows, sold gobs of jewelry, made great money but most importantly made lifelong friends. Premier introduced me to my great friend Caylene Knox and I continued to build a relationship with Jill. Through jewelry, I watched Jill go through the adoption process and cried uncontrollably as I blog-stalked her and watched her journey that lead her family to Elli!
Meanwhile, my husband and I had discussed adoption. We had attended Foster Care Workshops, founds a domestic adoption agency we liked, and researched foreign adoption agencies as well. We were constantly disappointed. As soon as we thought we knew what our calling was we ran into an “Age Requirement” snag. My husband and I are not 25 yet and that is was the typical age requirement. Feeling lost and frustrated we began to think more about risking another pregnancy. We prayed, and decided to meet with another specialist.
The specialist helped us to feel optimistic but the cloud soon parted and we knew the risks were still very real. The weeks after our appointment were very difficult for me. I felt I was put on this earth to be a mother, why was it so hard??? I didn’t understand why our journey was so difficult. At the very depths of my soul I knew I was suppose to be a mom and more importantly that Kolby deserved a sibling. That’s when my focus truly changed. How could I be so selfish to think that another child is what I wanted? Another child is what Kolby needed!!! He deserves to have a brother but I knew I could not provide that for him. The lord began to make things much more clear.
We prayed, and the lord showed us the way. Over the next few months, we met Jill and Matt’s little girl Elli. We heard of Caylene’s family’s decision to adopt. Watch my own mother bring 3 African American boys into her home. Then Jill told us about a Non-Profit Organization they started called No Longer Orphans. It was an organization that was going to help provide some financial support to families wanting to adopt.
I knew then and there that we were meant to adopt. My mind was made up. If someone I respected, cared for and admired has enough courage and love in her heart to help other families bring home the missing pieces to their lives then what were we doing “waiting and thinking” about it. I found out later that No Longer Orphans had chosen my wonderful friend Caylene to sponsor. There was no one more deserving!! Not soon after…Jill, Caylene and I stayed after a Premier Jewelry training event and Jill says, “You know, we are looking for our second family already.” She gave me a look that I will never forget. I had a feeling in my heart that my prayers had just been answered. I held back tears until I was driving home! I cried all the way home, praising the Lord. This was it. We were going to have another baby.
I sent away for my information packet the next day and wrote a letter to my husband. The Letter reads:
Please know that I love you with all my heart. I am constantly amazed at how great of a father you are to Kolby and now it’s time for you to love our son who is waiting for us in Ethiopia. I truly feel that the lord wants and needs for us to do this. He has provided us the support, opportunity and I honestly don’t think I would be able to live with myself if we walked away from this. You have to believe that the lord will provide and all well work out. Please think about it and just say a little prayer, ask for guidance! I love you and need you to jump on board. Please help me save ONE LIFE! I love you!
With love-
The following evening he said YES!! We were going to adopt a little boy from Ethiopia! Thank you to Jill Ross, Caylene Knox, my Mom and No Longer Orphans. I can’t help but think WHY US? How could we be so lucky, so blessed, so happy??? Kolby will get to have a brother!!
This is where our journey begins…
Let the boo hooing BEGIN!!!! How is that you we can cry like babies when we're so happy??? another one has a HOME!!!! I am OVER the moon excited for you guys!!!! You have NO IDEA! This is going to ROCK YOUR WORLD in the most amazing way possible!
ReplyDeleteI can't BELIEVE I get to help you with this?!?!?!! How blessed am I?!?!?!
Lord PLEASE let the heavens open & the rain fall down on No Longer Orphans! We NEED YOU!!!
Heidi that is so amazing!! I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to follow along with your journey to adopt!! All the best, Denise E.
ReplyDeleteOk, I am sitting here crying now. I am SO happy for you guys, and a little relieved. YAY!
ReplyDeleteWow!!!!! I am so very happy for you and your family!!! God is so GOOD!!! Tears of joy and prayers headed your way, Sweetie!