Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I know, I know....

So... it has been forever and I am really sorry!! We have some unfortunate news but news none the less.  We have been declined for our adoption agency.  Not once but twice!! I have been sick about it for months now and have finally come to the realization that this is not the lords way for saying NO, he is just telling us not right now! I don't know if it is because our little one is not ready for us yet or if the big guy upstairs wants us to do a little more growing up and preparing first.  Regardless of why he has chosen a "Not Right Now" for us is not the problem, the problem is...where do we go from here? 

Our first agency we applied with declined us because we were too young.  I wish they would have spoken with us and saw where we were in our lives and not just looked at our birth dates but that is the past and i have got to move forward.  So we did, we applied with another agency.  We were pre-approved and began our process.  About two weeks into it, we began to dig into our financial EVERYTHING.  I knew that was part of it but didn't realize how in depth they wanted to go.  We were shortly denied because of me! :(  I have been self-employed since i was 18.  Some would think that was admiral but most financial institutions just frown upon it. 

Right out of High School, I knew that i wanted to work for myself and NO ONE else.  I began diving into direct sales.  Started with pampered chef and then Tupperware and did not find the satisfaction i was looking for.  I was successful, as some have said "I can sell ice to a penguin." but i have NO passion for the product.  That's when i found coffee!!! AHHHHH!!! COFFEE!!

I loved my job as a Batista so at the ripe age of only 20, my then-boyfriend (now-husband) and I bought the little coffee shop i have been working at for the last 2 years.  GREAT- we were local business owners.  However, financially it put us in massive DEBT.  Starting a business and self operating is not a expense-free adventure.  Years later, we started our family and had kolby.  With all the complications and long hospital stays we racked up a little (LOT) more debt. 

Than, i found my real passion.  JEWELRY! my good friend from grade school introduced me into a direct sale business called Premier Designs. It was a light at the end of your debt tunnel!  I exploded into the business and began making more money than i ever imagined i could.  The most money i knew one could make LEGALLY :).  Not only was the money coming in but i was having SO MUCH FUN!! (caps can not capture the level of fun and excitement this new job brought to my life.)

However, this was another self-employed business and because the money is not always consistent and worry by the adoption agency.  We don't have the FULL funds available to pay for our adoption but we figured we would begin and leave the rest up to God.  As we needed the money, we trusted that the lord would provide.  The adoption agency told us we had 30 days to eliminate our debt by 90%.  Well, with the coffee stand alone that was going to be over $40,000 in 30 days NO WAY!!

That is when we entered what we are calling PLAN B :)  Since we receive the 30 days notice and new it would take a miracle like winning the lottery but having not ever bought a ticket we thought that was a pretty big stretch.  So.... I got a job.  A job that is NOT self employed but that i am able to do without having to put Kolby in daycare.  I refuse to pay someone else to raise my child and plus... I want to to that!  I was made to be a mom, and if you ask me I am a pretty darn good one.  So now I am a Radio Personality on MyRadio 102.5.  I love it! I get paid to talk!!! :) 

My days now consist of 4am alarm clocks, 3 hours at the Radio Station (while my husband and son are sleeping), entire days with kolby while we run around and take care of the coffee stand, every Thursday Kolby and I go to wok at the coffee stand for 3 hours to check up on customers, and when Dadda gets home in the evenings, I go to work (a.k.a. PARTY) and sell the jewelry I love!!

Our plan is to save, save, save, save!!! We want to have a hefty sum of money saved in a savings account just for our little boy.  That way when we apply next we will pass with flying colors.  So now that we are saving, how are you going to continue our adventure??? Well.... No Longer Orphans.  We are going to assist with whatever we can to help other families bring there children home while we work on getting our little boy home.  The first event is the Valentine Dinner.  It is on Feb 12, silent auction starts at 5:30 and dinner will be served at 7pm.  A seat is only $25 and it is at the SEL event center in Pullman.  If you want to go and would like to sit with me, please contact me at and I will get you hooked up with a ticket. 

Thank you so much for all your support and love!!! We will not go down without a fight and our little one is somewhere out there and we have every intention of bringing him home one way or another!! :)

With love-
Heidi, Jason and Kolby

1 comment:

  1. You are SOOOO Right! God's answer is not No, what a story of love to share with your little boy when you do adopt him. We love you and you have our full support! XOXO
